Emperor Lodge Standardbreds

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Here at Emperor Lodge we have a small band of quality black type broodmares. Although we are in our infancy it is our aim to continually increase our stocks of only the best black type, proven mares. We also strive to produce for sale outstanding yearlings by sending our mares to sires that blend together strong bloodlines, conformation, and futurity eligibility. The cross of our superior mares with elite sires enables the buyers of our yearlings every chance of enjoying success in the fabulous industry of harness racing.

Our website aims to provide detailed information on our broodmares and their progeny. We also offer comprehensive sales information, including photos, breeding tables, and sales catalogue pages. This information is available by visiting our For Sale page. As a general rule all of our yearlings will be offered at the APG Yearling Sales Sydney.

We hope that you find our website informative, and please feel free to contact us with any queries or suggestions you may have, or if you wish to purchase one of our lots for sale. We look forward to hearing from you.